I am having issues finding lingo to use and/or I don't understand what someone is saying. What should I do?

A common issue some people experience is figuring out the best lingo to use. Use the guide below, to utilize the best phrase for what you are trying to say

  • “Bodycam” = streaming/recording

  • “Eyes” = screen

  • “Flying in” = connecting 

  • “Flying out” = disconnecting

  • "Pockets" = inventory

  • “Ears” = headset

  • “Think about” = Text menu

  • “Flex (button) muscle” = button to press 

  • “Government” = admins

  • “Voice box” = mic 

  • “Wizard” = hacker

  • “Locals” = NPC or Non Player Controlled

  • “Civilians” = players 

  • “City” = server 

  • “Alien” = talking Out Of Character

How do I interact with things? I can’t seem to fuel my car, sell things to pawn, etc.

We use a targeting system, using your Left ALT key, which will display a black/blue third eye. What you want to do is go up to something like a fuel pump, use your target system with your Left ALT key, and it should display options for what you can do! You will end up left clicking, and click on the action to do it, and boom!

How do I change my key bindings and/or remap my keys?

You can head over into you in game settings, using the esc key! Go to settings, key bind, and then you can change key bindings there! Please refer to GTA Online key binding for voice chat, and FiveM key binds! We have mapped a lot of our own scripts keys, in having the ability to change them yourselves as well! I.e. change the key to put your seatbelt on or toggle cruise control in the FiveM Key bind settings!

My friend was in a trunk and fell through the world, what do I do?

If this happens to you, type /carry immediately. If done correctly your friend will be brought back up from underneath the map and will appear in your arms. If this fails to work, have your friend fly out and back in. Contact a staff member if these 2 solutions didn't work.

I bought a vehicle but I don’t have keys to it, why?

When purchasing a vehicle, you need to buy keys for it form the locksmith! Currently, there are three locksmiths in the city, and purchase keys to your vehicles from the locksmith marked with a red key icon on the map!

I bought a house, but have no storage or wardrobe, why?

Storage and wardrobe are just like real life, you need to purchase furniture to do so! Another mis-conception is to buy a furnished house, and that does not come with storage in that furniture either! So keep that in mind Next time you are going to purchase property! Storage can be found at an IKEA, and servers as storage and a place to store your favorite outfits. A solid hint to understand storage when purchasing, each $500 = 1 Storage Slot. i.e. $2500 would have 5 storage slots, like a glovebox.

How do I check my bank, job, money, etc.?

To view simple information like this, we have built in commands. To show how much money you have, simply do /cash in game. To see bank, do /balance. For dirty money, do /dirty. Job to /job. Jobs menu do /jobs. and so on. If you need you can always check our User Keys and Commands for a list of all of them!